

My Aim

Hi my name is Carl and I’ve been living the ketogenic lifestyle since September 2017. It’s been such an eye-opening experience. Keto has flipped everything I thought I knew about food and nutrition. As a result it has helped me to try and live a healthy lifestyle. So my aim for starting up this blog is to share all my ups and downs of my keto journey. I hope that I can help others out there who are looking into the ketogenic diet for a healthier lifestyle.

In particular I want to share my experience to help my Polynesian brothers and sisters to consider living a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately many of us may have had experiences where family or friends have suffered or even died from health issues such as obesity, heart disease, heart attacks and diabetes. Our people are at high risk for these diseases and many of them are preventable. My hope is that my experiences and the information I share will help Polynesians to consider making changes to live a healthy lifestyle.

In just over six months I’ve learnt what I needed to do to be healthy and as a result I have lost almost 20kg and lost 6cm off my waist. However, the benefits of living the ketogenic lifestyle are more than just weight loss. It’s about eating the right foods to provide your body with the proper fuel and nutrients it needs to function efficiently. I haven’t felt or been in such a physically healthy state since my late teens.

I would also love to hear your thoughts or experiences, and if you want I can post them here. The more we share, the more we learn.


On that note I better give a few disclosures, first that I am an accountant, not a doctor, not a dietitian, not a personal trainer, not a keto expert, not a scientist, and definitely not a gifted writer so everything I share are my rough personal opinions. Remember if you have any health issues you should seek medical advice before changing your diet and/or considering an exercise program. There are no guarantees that what was successful for me will be successful for you. Also this is my first attempt at something like this so bear with me as I work my way through the process.

So let’s start from the beginning