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Tag: keto

Three years on Keto but something’s gone wrong!

Three years on Keto but something’s gone wrong!

Yo what’s happening everyone. I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but hey no better time than now. So after my 3 year keto anniversary where am I at with keto? Am I still a believer or have I dropped off the keto bandwagon? Quick update My last blog was April 22, 2019 so just over a year ago, so what’s been cracking since then. I’ve still been doing keto in maintenance mode, not overly strict but…

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Wooohooo! Yes I did it, I’ve reached my 12 [+6] months keto anniversary. I was intending to write one at 12 months but life got busy. So this is a very belated blog post to share what has stood out the most during this time. Do your Research! Do not start keto until you have done your due diligence and researched what it’s all about. After I stumbled upon keto I spent weeks watching countless YouTube videos and read plenty…

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I Don’t Track My Macros But When I Did…

I Don’t Track My Macros But When I Did…

During my keto journey I never counted my macros for the meals or drinks I consumed. My focus was intermittent fasting, always eating leafy green salads with a side of meat twice a day, with one keto treat and drink lots of water. I never weighed the ingredients for my salads, or meat or counted the carbs in my keto treats. However, I always checked the carbs and sugar levels of all the ingredients and foods I bought. If the…

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Is Exercise Greater Than Diet?

Is Exercise Greater Than Diet?

Exercise Only Attempt In my keto journey I wrote about how my first attempt to try and lose weight was exercise based not diet based. As an accountant most of my days are spent behind a desk, a very sedentary career. So my first attempt to lose weight was to do exercise to offset the inactivity of my working days. So at first I had success, losing weight at the peak of this exercise based approach. I had started at…

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My Takeaways From “The Magic Pill”

My Takeaways From “The Magic Pill”

Recently I’ve noticed a lot of people have taken up keto because they watched the Netflix documentary “The Magic Pill”. Australian chef Peter Evans was one of the producers. I had never heard of it or seen it. So recently I watched it and there were a number of takeaways that I wanted to share. Flashbacks! A long time ago before I found keto I remember coming across a strange news article. The article was about a doctor taken to…

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You Have To Quit Sugar And Nasty Carbs

You Have To Quit Sugar And Nasty Carbs

If you are going to do the keto diet and eat keto foods you have to quit sugar and nasty carbs. It will be a complete waste of time preparing and eating keto meals high in fat if you still eat sugar and carbs. The idea behind keto based meals is to not spike insulin in the body. The consumption of sugar and carbs will do the complete opposite and spike insulin and start converting the excess sugars to fat….

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My Go To Keto Ingredients

My Go To Keto Ingredients

As mentioned in my earlier post, when I started keto I had to quit sugar and carbs. Quitting these two items meant that a lot of the foods and ingredients I normally ate or used were now culled from my diet. In fact if you look down the aisles at your local supermarket most of the items sold contain sugar or carbs. It can be challenging to find foods or ingredients that meet the keto guidelines. To ensure the foods…

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My Morning Electrolyte Drink

My Morning Electrolyte Drink

During my keto discovery process I came across the importance of electrolytes and hydration. The following video by Thomas Delauer gives a great explanation as to why they are so important when on the keto diet: In summary during ketosis the body has much lower carbohydrate levels and so retains less water. As a result the body not only flushes water but also minerals like magnesium and sodium. Therefore on a keto diet it is suggested to keep hydrated and…

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My Keto Stumbles

My Keto Stumbles

Sugar Coma Stumbles Now I have to share that although I try to follow the keto diet the best I can, I have to admit that I am not a keto perfectionist. I have had a few stumbles on the way. For example, on special occasions like Christmas, New Years Eve, our anniversary and my birthday I chose to indulge on plenty of dessert dishes that contained plenty of sugars and carbs. There were major repercussions physically after those meals,…

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